Í dag fagnar Melody okkar 2ja ára afmælinu sínu og að sjálfsögðu sungum við afmælissönginn fyrir hana í morgun. Hún er einstakur gleðigjafi og frábær viðbót við fjölskylduna okkar. Hún er fædd í Frakklandi hjá Alyson Ferriére en dvaldi hjá vinum okkar í Þýskalandi þar til hún varð 7 mánaða gömul og mátti koma heim. Hún féll strax inn í hópinn og er eins og hún hafi alltaf verið með okkur. Fáum við Alyson seint þakkað að hafa sent okkur þennan einstaka gleðigjafa. Melody verður dekruð í dag eins og alla daga og verður eitthvað extra gott sett á diskinn hennar í kvöld. Til hamingju með daginn elsku besta Melody okkar <3 ---------------------------- Today our precious Melody celebrates her 2nd birthday and of course we sang the birthday song for her this morning. She is such a great girl always so happy and makes every day a better day with her smile and her positivity. She is bred by Alyson Ferriére in France but stayed with our friends in Germany until she became 7 months old and could come to Iceland. We are so thankful to you, dear Alyson, for trusting us with this precious little girl. She will get a lot of extra hugs and kisses today and some extra treats with her dinner tonight. Happy Birthday dear Melody, we love you <3
1 Comment
27/2/2018 19:16:57
Before anything else, I want to thank the website translator for I will not be able to understand what this means without your help. Ever since, it's always been a dream of mine to own a dog. You're so lucky because you have a lot! I am not that worried because I am sure that you treat them as your family. It's very evident on the photos you have posted! You're indeed an animal lover!
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