Víkur Icelandic All My Loving "Loke" sem flutti til Noregs í haust tók þátt í sinni fyrstu sýningu þar í landi í dag og er ekki hægt að segja annað en það hafi gengið frábærlega.
Hann keppti í flokki hvolpa 6-9 mánaða þar sem hann hlaut heiðursverðlaun og var hann valinn besti hvolpur tegundar, ásamt því að sigra tegundahóp 1 og tryggja sér sæti í úrslitum um besta hvolp sýningar. Frábær árangur hjá honum á sinni fyrstu sýningu á erlendri grundu með nýjum eiganda. Það var Nina Karlsdotter frá Svíþjóð sem var dómari í dag og gaf hún honum þessa fallegu umsögn. "Well shaped head. Good proportion. Excellent ears. Excellent Neck and toppling. Well developed. Nice feed. Good movement. Much coat with good quality. Well presented" Erum óendanlega stolt af þessum litla prinsi úr okkar ræktun sem er fyrsti fulltrúi okkar ræktunar erlendis og óskum við eiganda hans, Elinu Haugstad, innilega til hamingju með góða byrjun á þeirra sýningarferli :) Víkur Icelandic All My Loving "Loke" that moved to his new home in Norway last October took part in his first show there today and you could say that it went really well. He became Best of Breed puppy with honorary prize, was Best in Group 1 puppy and took part in best in show puppy. Great results for him at his very first show abroad with his new owner, Elin Haugstad. Today's judge was Nina Karlsdotter, Sweden, and she gave him this beautiful critic. "Well shaped head. Good proportion. Excellent ears. Excellent neck and toppling. Well developed. Nice feed. Good movement. Much coat with good quality. Well presented." We are over the moon with these great results from todays show and our kennel's first steps in the show ring abroad. Huge congrats to his owner ❤❤
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