Húsfrúin á Brávöllum fékk heldur betur óvænta en skemmtilega afmælisgjöf frá húsbóndanum þegar hún var á Heimssýningunni í nóvember s.l. en hann tók sig til og gaf henni hvolp í afmælisgjöf. Litla svarta perlu frá Frakklandi. Hún er fædd 20. október og var því rétt 3ja vikna þegar ég fékk hana. Hún hlaut nafnið Sofie en ræktunarnafnið hennar er Northern Black Pearl De La Vallée d'Eska. Hún er nú komin til Theodóru og Marley í Þýskalandi sem er vel við hæfi þar sem þær Theodóra eru afmælissystur. Hún verður þar fram á sumar þegar hún hefur aldur til að koma heim til Íslands. Ég fór utan í byrjun febrúar til Theodóru og við keyrðum saman yfir til Frakklands og sóttum hana til Alyson Ferrière, ræktanda hennar en hún er jafnframt ræktandi Melody okkar. Þrátt fyrir að þær komi frá sama ræktanda eru þær alveg óskyldar og mikið af nýjum blóðlínum sem fylgja Sofie en hún er nánast óskyld öllum hundunum hér á landi líkt og Melody. Hún er einstaklega opin og skemmtilegur einstaklingur sem heillar alla sem hún hittir upp úr skónum. Hún verður frábær viðbót við gullin okkar sem eru fyrir heima. Óli sure managed to surprise me when I was at the WDS on my birthday in November when he gave me a small puppy. Little black pearl from France. She is born on October 20th so she was only 3 weeks old on my birthday. Her name is Sofie "Northern Black Pearl De La Vallée d'Eska". She is now in Germany with Theodóra and Marley where she will be living until next summer when she can come to Iceland. That is well suited as she and Theodóra have the same birthday. Me and Theodóra took a small road trip in February to pick her up and visit her breeder, Alyson Ferrière, which is also our Melody's breeder. Even though they come from the same breeder they have completely different bloodlines in themselves. There are a lot of new bloodlines in both of them and they are unrelated to most of the Aussie's here in Iceland. She is very open an fun person which charms everyone she meets. She will be a great addition to all our gems at home.
1 Comment
17/3/2018 23:21:58
You must be thankful to Oli for she was able to give you a companion you never thought you need in your life. I am happy to see that your relationship with a dog has blossomed into something bigger than a usual pet-person relationship. The love that you are giving to Sofie is so special. The photos are great representation of how happy Sofie is under your care. She is obviously happy with her life receiving so much love from you!
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