![]() Í dag fagnar fyrsta Víkur gotið 6 ára afmælinu sínu. Hvert fór tíminn? er spurning sem kom upp í huga minn þegar ég sá hvaða dagur er í dag. Það var um kvöldmat þennan dag fyrir 6 árum sem fyrsti hvolpurinn í okkar ræktun kom í heiminn og þegar leið á kvöldið voru þau orðin 8, 4 tíkur og 4 rakkar. Þau búa öll á góðum heimilum þar sem þau njóta þess að vera til. Elsku Kobbi, Johnny, Fróði, Zeta, Marley, Salma og Angara til hamingju með daginn ykkar og eigið góðan dag með ykkar besta fólki. Við kveikjum á kerti fyrir elsku Æsu sem mun án efa eiga góðan dag í draumalandinu með yngri systrum sínum. Mamma ykkar og við hin sendum ykkur öllum risaknús í tilefni afmælisins :) Today our first litter celebrates their 6 year old birthday. Where did the time go? I asked myself when I realized what day it was today. It was just before dinner on this day 6 years ago that the first Aussie bred by us was born and later that evening they were 8, 4 boys and 4 girls. They all are unique characters and each and everyone loved by their families. They all make us proud of them every day. They all have the best family's which will without doubt spoil them today as other days. Dear Kobbi, Johnny, Fróði, Zeta, Marley, Salma and Angara. Happy Birthday to all of you and we know that you will have a great birthday with your families. We will light a candle for dear Æsa and we know that she will have a great day in heaven with her younger sisters <3 Mom and all of us send a lot of hugs and kisses to all of you <3
1 Comment
30/5/2018 03:45:19
Happy birthday to your dog. I am happy to see that there are still people who are happily celebrating their pet's birthday. There's no amount of hate present because love is the owe we choose to spread instead. This is nothing but exceptional though! Aside from showing our love and care for people, it's a must that we should always do it towards animals too! I will always be a proud dog owner too simply because they make me happy!
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