C.I.B. ISVetCh ISCh USCh RW-17 Thornapple Good to Go "Chase"
We bought Chase "Thornapple Good to Go" from the United States. He came to Iceland in February 2012 and to us in March. He became 4 years old just before he left the States. He is like Reese from the Thornapple Kennel in Michigan and his breeders are Ellen Brandenburg, Amy Garrison and Lisa Penton.
Chase had done good in shows in the States before he came her and he had become US Champion and at the August 2011 show he became Icelandic Champion and has got his first CACIB.
Chase has like Reese adjusted well in Iceland and is every ones favorite. He is sweet and gentle dog who charms everyone with his great spirit. He became one of our family at the moment we picked him up at the airport "smiled at us and hugged us".
Chase passed away in September 2020 and we still miss him every day. He was one of a kind and we will always remember him as the king he was <3 TOP AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERD 2016 TOP VETERAN 2017 AT THE ICELANDIC HERDING CLUB
Father: CH Thornapple Single Barrel "Cruzan", Blue merle FF: Ch Schooner Sums It Up CGC, Blue merle FM: CH Thornapple Kahlua N Cream, Black tri Mother: Ch Thornappel Freeze Frame "Icy", Black tri MF: Thornapple Sub Zero "Courage", Blue merle MM: Thornapple Black Ice Born: 15.01.2008 - 25.06.2020 Pedigree no: IS17064/12 (imported/USA) Owners: Ólafur Örn Ólafsson and Maríanna Gunnarsdóttir Breeders: Lisa Penton, Ellen S Brandenburg and Amy Garrison HD: A1 AD: Normal PRA: DNA test - Clear CEA: DNA test - Clear HSF4: DNA test - Clear MDR1: +/+ DNA tested Color: Black Tri, Red factored Best show performance: 1 place, EXL, CK, BOB, BOB veteran, veteran CC, Crufts 2017 qualification, BIG4, BIS1 veteran